Focused On Scientific Imaging (FOSI) seminar is back for the month of May, and will take place in person on Monday, May 30th at 1:30 pm in the Michael Smith Laboratory Building (MSL) Rm 102 Auditorium. Sam Livingston from Keeling lab/Botany will be giving a talk titled “3D modelling of peculiar cellular structures in the eukaryotic […]
FOSI seminar on April 26th (Tuesday) at 1:30pm in LSI Rm 1.330
Focused On Scientific Imaging (FOSI) seminar is back for the month of April, and will take place in person on Tuesday, April 26th at 1:30 pm in LSI Rm 1.330. Mathias Delhaye, Kurt Haas, Peter Hogg, Jeffrey LeDue and Jack Price will be giving a talk titled “Accessing new spatiotemporal scales with advanced imaging at […]
Nikon Small World Competition Call for Entries
HeLa cells incubated with fluorescent organic nanoparticles for 24 hrs. Will Primrose, PhD student in Dr. Zac Hudson lab, Dept of Chemistry, collected images using an Olympus FV1000 Laser Scanning Two-photon Confocal microscope. Left image: bright field image showing HeLa cells, middle image: multi-photon image captured with a Spectra physics Mai Tai DeepSee pulsed laser […]
Transmission electron micrographs of the human macrophage cell line U937. Image courtesy by Dr. Kohei Fujikura, a post-doctoral fellow in Dr. Josef Penninger lab, Faculty of Medicine. Sample preparation and imaging with Tecnai Spirit TEM were performed by Dr. Naoji Yubuki, BIF TEM staff.
A scanning electron micrograph of porous ceramic alumina showing tin deposition (both small and present on the rods) over rod-shaped aluminum oxide crystals. Image courtesy by Dr. Shashank Reddy Patlolla and Mr. Kyle Katsu, a post-doctoral fellow and undergraduate researcher in Dr. Walter Merida lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Metal Sn was dispersed on a porous ceramic alumina after heating […]
FOSI seminar on March 28th 1-2pm at LSC3 or Zoom (Hybrid)
Focused On Scientific Imaging (FOSI) seminar is back for the month of March, and will take place on Monday, March 28th at 1pm in LSC 3 or Zoom (Hybrid). Guang Gao from LSI imaging centre will be giving a talk titled “Full-scale imaging techniques at LSI imaging Core Facility: Subcellular structures examined with super-resolution imaging”. […]
FOSI seminar February 28th 3pm via Zoom
Focused On Scientific Imaging (FOSI) seminar is back for the month of February, and will take place on Monday, February 28th at 3pm via Zoom. Jonathan Mark Wilson from Wilfrid Laurier University will be giving a talk titled “Antigen retrieval in immunohistochemistry”. Jonathan will be speaking about techniques including antigen retrieval, immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. To […]