Focused On Scientific Imaging (FOSI) seminar is back for the month of April, and will take place in person on Tuesday, April 26th at 1:30 pm in LSI Rm 1.330. Mathias Delhaye, Kurt Haas, Peter Hogg, Jeffrey LeDue and Jack Price will be giving a talk titled “Accessing new spatiotemporal scales with advanced imaging at the UBC Centre for Brain Health”.
Techniques highlighted would be Expansion microscopy, Lattice Light Sheet microscopy, Ultra wide field of view two photon microscopy, Scanned Line Angular Projection microscopy and Computational microscopy.
Prior to the talk (1:15-1:30pm), Snacks and Coffee will be provided at Rm 1.310 in Life Sciences Institute Building.
For those who don’t know the FOSI seminar, FOSI seminar series was created to provide a space for everyone to exchange ideas about imaging techniques and to connect with the people that use the imaging techniques that you might need for your own research.
We hope that you can join us at this month’s FOSI seminar! For more information, see our home page at
FOSI organizers: Ania Bogoslowski, Evan McKenzie, Sean Ritter