Evident/Olympus will give a seminar and workshop about their IXplore Spin SR system in the week of Nov 20th.
1) Seminar about IXplore Spin SR system on November 22nd (Wednesday) 11-12pm in the Michael Smith Laboratory (MSL) Auditorium Rm102 or Zoom
If you would like to join the seminar virtually, please click the link below.
Meeting ID: 626 3404 9993
Passcode: 636033
2) Hands-on workshop at the BIF Rm 0135 from November 21st to Dec 1st.
The microscopy system comes with an inverted microscope, multiple laser lines, two cameras for spontaneous multi-color imaging, FRAP, 120nm XY resolution capability.
If you would like to try their system, please contact Eun (eunkyoung.lee@botany.ubc.ca) to schedule a session.
During the workshop, you can bring your samples (live, fixed, biological and materials samples) to try out their system. BIF staff will be there to discuss your experiments and find out your imaging needs.
Everyone is welcome to the seminar and workshop.
Hope that you can join the seminar and hands-on microscopy workshop!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.