Gairdner Symposium
Date: Monday, October 21, 3:30– 6pm
Location: Life Sciences Institute, Lecture Theatre 2 (LSC 2), UBC, 2350 Health Sciences Mall
Hosted by Dr. Michael Hayden, Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, University of British Columbia
This free inspiring public lecture will feature:
1. Dr. Ronald Vale
Recipient of the Canada Gairdner International Award 2019
“For the landmark discovery of the motor protein kinesin and pioneering the understanding of its mechanism of action in driving cellular movement processes including cell division and intracellular transport.”
Professor, Cellular Molecular Pharmacology University of California, San Francisco; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
2. Dr. Bruce Stillman
Recipient of the Canada Gairdner International Award 2019
“For their pioneering research on the eukaryotic DNA replication cycles including initiation, regulation and responses to DNA damage.”
President, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York
Please see Vancouver Gairdner symposium for more information.
Please see Gairdner Foundation for more information about the Gairdner Foundation.
For questions or more information please contact Jessica at