We have a New Olympus Light/Fluorescence BX53 microscope! And with a fond farewell, we have decommissioned the venerable Zeiss Axioplan2 after 18 years of service at the BIF.
What’s new about Olympus BX53 upright microscope?
– a fully motorized X-Y Prior sample stage for image stitching, tiling & multi-position acquisition.
– a DP80 Dual-chip high-resolution camera system allowing both high sensitivity monochrome and high resolution color imaging. Color mode is useful for histological studies.
– 6 fluorescent filter cubes (the same capability as Zeiss Axioplan2)
– Phase contrast capability (10x, 20x, 40x)
– Objective lens from 5x to 60x (60x Oil Immersion)
– Powerful Image acquisition & processing software (Cell-Sens)
The Olympus BX53 microscopy usage fee will be $9/hour for BIF members, $15/hour for academic users, $35/hour for Industry.
Join us for a FREE Hands-on workshop on May 13th (Monday) in two afternoon sessions (3-4 people/session).
To sign up for the workshop, please contact Miki (bif.manager@ubc.ca) with the following information.
1. Your name, your PI’s name
2. Which session you would like to attend (A) 1:00-2:30pm or (B) 3:00-4:30pm?
3.Which capability you are interested? You can select all that may apply.
(A) Light/phase contrast microscopy
(B) Fluorescence microscopy
(C) Image Stiching/Tiling
(D) Others: Please specify
Looking forward to hearing from you!