Olympus FV1000 with Multi-Photon


– 3D multi-color confocal imaging/optical sectioning (4 channel detection)

– Two-photon imaging of thick samples (long working distance objectives and a fs pulsed, tunable laser, 690 – 1000 nm)

– Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching (FRAP)

– Real time data capture with simultaneous (dual scan units) image-scan for coincident bleach/photo-activation/photo-conversion while imaging

– Fluorescence spectra analysis

– Variable band width detectors for spectral analysis


Regular confocal imaging:  Academic users: $40/h, Industry users: $60/h

Two-photon imaging: Academic users: $66/h, Industry users: $150/h




Olympus BX61Wi upright microscope with epifluorescence illumination

Prior motorized stage (programmable sample repositioning or image tiling)


Conventional Confocal Imaging:

Olympus FV1000 confocal scan head with SIM (simultaneous) dual scan head for coincident imaging and photo stimulation/activation/bleaching

Solid-state laser lines for 405, 473, 514, 559, and 635 nm excitation

2 variable band-width tunable detectors, 2 detectors with conventional BP filters for 4 channel fluorescence detection

Forward propagation detector for ‘transmitted light’ image generation

High-Sensitive Detector (GaAsP) with 3 emission filter cubes (GFP/RFP, YFP/RFP, CFP/YFP)


Two-Photon Imaging:

Spectra-Physics MaiTai laser (690 – 1000 nm) with DeepSee dispersion compensation unit

Suitable for blue/green/yellow fluorescence protein imaging and second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging

3 or 4 NDD (non-descanned detector) channel back-propagated signal detection

2 NDD channel forward propagated signal detection

Filter cubes for NDD;

Blue, Green and Red – eg. DAPI, GFP and mCherry (Cube is marked MRVGR/VR)

Cyan, Yellow and Red – eg. CFP, YFP and mCherry (Cube is marked MRCYR/XR)


Conventional Objective Lenses:

10x/NA 0.4/Air

20x/NA 0.75/Air

40x/NA 0.95/Air

60x/NA 1.42/Oil

Objective Lenses for both conventional confocal and two-photon imaging:

30x/NA 1.05/Silicon oil (n=1.4); suitable for live cell imaging

40x/NA 1.25/Silicon oil (n=1.4); suitable for live-cell imaging

60x/NA 1.2/Water


Specialized Objective Lenses (Water Dipping Lenses):

10x/NA 0.6; WD 3mm; dedicated two-photon imaging

25x/NA 1.05; WD 2mm; dedicated two-photon imaging

40x/NA 0.8; WD 3.3mm; compatible for two-photon imaging

60x/NA 1.1; WD 1.5mm; compatible for two-photon imaging



Olympus Fluoview software (FV10-ASW2) operated by Windows 7