A new spinning disk confocal microscope, Evident SpinSR, will be installed soon at the BIF!
The SpinSR Spinning disk confocal system is capable of multi-color and simultaneous two-color imaging, live-cell imaging, tiling and stitching, multi-point imaging, Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), and Super Resolution Imaging with the Yokogawa SoRa spinning disk.
We will host the 2-day workshop for the Evident SpinSR spinning disk confocal microscope. Farid Jalali (Evident Application Specialist) will provide seminars and hands-on sessions for specific applications.
Introduction Seminar about the SpinSR system:
When: Nov 14th 10-11am
Where: BioSci Rm 3157, Snacks and Drinks will be provided.
Remote Session about the software interface and experiment setup:
When Nov 14th 1-3pm
Where: BioSci Rm 3157 or connect remotely via Microsoft Teams
Hands-on Workshop (Space is limited, each attendee can bring 1 sample):
When: Nov 18th FRAP (10-12pm), Tiling & Stitching, Multi-point imaging (1-3pm), TBA (3-5pm)
Where: BioSci Rm 0128 at BIF
Registration is required for all events. Please sign up for the event at the link below.
Seminar/remote session; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mkzShzUla9VVZUBMIqxQjc-KjGAMFh4Tpi1us_lK4PQ/edit?gid=257376220#gid=257376220
Hands-on workshop; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mkzShzUla9VVZUBMIqxQjc-KjGAMFh4Tpi1us_lK4PQ/edit?usp=sharing
Please contact us if you have any questions.