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Cormac Toler Scott, a MSc student in Leander lab (Dept of Zoology), studies the sea spider with the Zeiss Crossbeam 350 SEM. SEM images of the ventrum of the anterior of a juvenile sea spider (left), a single stalked ciliate protist nestled between the plates of the sea spider’s exoskeleton (centre), and the papillae of […]
A TEM micrograph of iPSC derived 3D heart organoid, Image was acquired with the FEI Tecnai spirit 120kV TEM by Meilin An, a PhD student in Penninger lab (Dept of Medical Genetics).
Evan McKenzie, a PhD student in Phil Matthews lab (Dept of Zoology) studies the structure of hydrostatic organs (air sacs) in aquatic insects. The insect tissues are embedded in resin and sectioned with the Leica UC7 ultramicrotome for TEM analysis. Evan uses a small camera mounted right next to the sample block (left image) so he […]